Monday, August 5, 2013

Happy Birthday Katie!

 Last year we had a huge birthday bash for Katie's very first birthday with lots of family and friends around to celebrate....and this year was almost the complete opposite, let alone the fact that we almost forgot about it.  Ummmm, yes.  Almost.  Between coordinating everything between the moves and it just being a super busy time for us we went low key for her birthday.  Since I would be in PA with the kids on her actual birthday August 5th and Scott would begin his very first day at the FASB, we had a little celebration  in our new home in Stamford that Thursday before with just our family.  The kids picked out cupcakes at Crumbs bakeshop (just down the road from us) and we sang Happy Birthday to her.  She was on the verge of crying during the entire song.

 Once we were in PA we had a bigger birthday party for her with my immediate family.  A little get together after church with some of my mom's classic hot dish served and cake and ice cream of course.

The birthday girl leaving church with Nana.

Hot dish with fruit and garlic bread for dinner.

Checking out her cake.  Just a little bit more to wait.

This little guy just couldn't help himself and tried to stick his finger in the cake from the moment we took it out of the box until we served it.  I think he was successful one time before getting his own slice.

Photo bomb by Jamie.

Aunt Erica and Katie.
Nana and Katie.

She kept saying "Surprise!"

Opening her gifts.

In one of her new outfits.

4 generations.

She must have had a wild party.  Great Grandma, Erica and Jamie all passed out.

At two Katie is still a spit fire:
  • she loves the bubble guppies
  • she loves to read
  • she loves her Mommy and is still a Mommy's girl
  • she loves to play with Mikey
  • she loves to brush her teeth
  • she loves playing with babies and pretending to be a baby 
  • she loves to get in your face and tell you what she wants and she will repeat it until you get it for her
  • she loves to eat.  She will eat any and all fruits.  This usually results in having a very dirty diaper each time we change her and I'm not talking about pee.  She has the most efficient digestive system I've ever seen.
  • she talks very well and is quick when we ask her to point to something in one of her find and seek books.  She thinks it's a race to find something before Mikey.
  •  she loves to be tickled and play hide and seek and ring around the rosy.
  • She loves to help me cook by stirring and  pressing the buttons on the blender or the washing machine.  She also tells Mikey and Scott "time to eat!"
  • She does great at cleaning up her toys and often sings the "clean up" song while doing it.
  • She still has a very shrill scream which she still uses when yelling "No" or "stop it" if Mikey does something she doesn't like.   
  •  She is full of energy, has such an outgoing personality and is fun loving and always in a happy mood.

She brings so much spice to our life and we love her to pieces!!!

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