Sunday, June 16, 2013

W.S.P. and U.S. with Daddy

With a few very busy days of house and school hunting and the kids being strapped into their car seats and being told not to touch anything in all these houses we've been seeing we figured they have been confined enough and decided to get out and explore.  I just love days when we don't have any plans and we just hop on the subway.  It's exciting to see where we will end up and what we will see.  So we packed up the kiddos and the backpack and snacks/diapers/sunscreen etc. and headed out early.  We knew it would be a hot day wanted to get the kids nice and tired.

We ended up walking around the East Village and played at the playground in Washington Square Park.  It was such a nice morning in the park watching the kids play and listening to a man play the saxophone.  The kids ran around the huge water fountain with huge grins on their faces.

Stopping to listen to the music.  

I spy the kiddos.

Bestest buds.

Running around the fountain.

Here's the fountain.

 Once they tired from running we walked a little bit around the West Village and then headed back towards Union Square where we planned on eating lunch.  But it was still too early for lunch so the kids played on the playground and we headed back home for naps.

Weeee. These slides are so fast.

A huge half dome to climb on and slide down.  Mikey was so proud to climb to the top.  I was so nervous!

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