Saturday, June 15, 2013

My summer water baby.

Technically summer starts June 21st but I always considered myself a "summer" baby since school was letting out right around my birthday (June 4th) and once school let out summer began! Katie was actually born during the summer time and it shows.  She loves water.  The warmer weather has been around for weeks now and that means the sprinklers have been on in all the parks.

Katie just can't help herself.  She has to get wet and play in the water.  I've tried once to keep her out but what the's just a little water.  She has a ball and the cold water doesn't phase her in the slightest.

Mikey likes the water too but is much more cautious and doesn't like to get soaking wet.

Here's a collection of pics. I've been slowing gathering.

Trying to fill up a water balloon like the big kids do.

Perfecting his aim with his water shooter.

Katie pouring water from a tiny scoop into the smallest bucket I've ever seen.

Another opportunity to get wet...why not?!

Can you tell she is having fun?!

Trying to figure out how to get his water shooter that is under the sprinkler.

Such a good boy.

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