Monday, June 17, 2013

Funny phrases

Mikey has been a little congested and we think it might be allergies.  While we wait a few days to see if it goes away or if it's here to stay and he needs some medication he's been fighting a cough and has had lots of boogies.  While getting him to blow his nose and get those boogers out he said....

"Mom, put those boogies back in my nose.  I don't want to breathe!"

At night time he has been super sweet and says:

"Good night, Katie, sweet heart."

He really has some great manners if I do say so myself and frequently says please, thank you and your welcome....but he adds a little something extra and will say:

"Your welcome, cutie pie."

Warms my heart to hear him say that!

We also talk a lot about eating healthy foods to grow big and strong and have big muscles and happy bellies and the other day Mikey said:

"I don't want healthy food, I want sick food!"

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