Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day 2013

We had a pretty low key Father's Day.  Every once in a while it's nice not to do anything.  We had a busy couple of weeks not to long ago and we will have some busy weeks in the near future.

We played at the park in the am and went for lunch at Timmy's around the corner from us.  Both the kids took long naps and we feasted on a really yummy seafood dinner before spending the evening in Carl Schurz walking around, watching the doggies play, letting the kids run up and down the hill, pushing them in the swings and letting them play in the water.  Then it was time for bath, teeth, books, songs, prayers and lots of snuggles before tucking them away for the night.

Watching the dogs play.

Wee. They love the swing.

Piggy back rides are a favorite.

Yes...that's it. Keep running. Up and Down!!!

Getting the lobster out of the tank.  It's always something the kids like to watch.

Getting a close up look at the lobster.

Not sure what to think when I dangled it in front of the kids.

Lobster and pasta with clams and mussels and wine.

A perfect day.  Happy Father's Day Scott!

Scott also got spoiled with some homemade cards/pictures the kids made (he's saving them for his new office) and a custom book with his face plastered all over it.  It's pretty hilarious and a perfect gift that I've been reading to the kids every night while Scott's been in San Fran for work.

Katie's finger paint for Daddy.

Under neath is a pic. of those two.

Mikey made the frame at school and we added the picture and backing.

The kids get a kick out of seeing Scott in a book.  I bet you didn't know he was this flexible....

....or likes to pet alligators in his free time.....

....did you know he's a rock star?......

....or that he survived having pizza with a gorilla?!!

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