Thursday, June 20, 2013

Kicking off summer!

Today we our official day to kick off the summer season! For the past 2 weeks or so the kids have been getting up at 5am give or take 4 minutes every single day.  Yup.  5am!  Killer.

I decided to play a little hard ball today and my sole goal was to get them as tired as a I could. They were dressed, fed and out the door by 7am.  Our first stop was John Jay park.  We played and played and then stopped for a donut on our way to Carl Schurz park where the kids played and played some more.  Honestly, I don't know where they get all this energy.  We even ate lunch that I had packed at the park before coming home right before nap time for Katie.  So we were outside for 4.5 hours in the morning.

After some down time during which Mikey did not nap we ventured outside again to the Pyramid Playground at 3:30 until 5pm when we met friends in CP for dinner and more playing until 7;15pm before walking the 30 minutes home.

By the time we got home, Mikey's eyes were blood shot and he was so sleepy.  Yes!  Success....wait I'm ready for bed too!  Our first day of summer was a blast as we spent as much time as we could outside, enjoying the sun, sand, water, and friends.

The next day they slept until 5:45am! Wahoo!

Smiling at each other.
They both picked out a pink frosted with rainbow sprinkles.
She just ate the sprinkles and licked the frosting.
Mikey finished almost all of his.

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