Friday, June 14, 2013

New house photos

I was terrible and didn't take a single picture while we were house hunting.  I was able to pull some pictures off the website.  Here are just a few pictures of our new home.  I wake up frequently in the middle of the night and picture where I'm going to be putting all our furniture, while it is fun to imagine where things will go, I'd much rather be getting some much needed sleep!

The only full size bathroom.

The kitchen.  I think my table will fit in here so I can make it an "eat in" kitchen.

Half of the living room and playroom.

I am in love with the big farm sink.

This will be Katie's room.

The steps are numbered.  A fun little detail!

This will be Mikey's bedroom.

The dining room.  While I really like the moldings on the wall it leaves little room to hang pictures.

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