Saturday, October 11, 2014

Apple Picking at Stuart's Farm

We originally had plans to return to the same orchard we went to last year, but when we checked for details on their website they had a huge disclaimer stating "due to a lighter apple crop this year that all their trees were picked clean" so we decided trying out a new orchard.

Scott did some research and found Stuart's Farm in the Hudson Valley so we packed up the kids and away we went in the pouring rain!  We braved the weather and were determined that no matter what we were going to pick apples!

Once we arrived we waited in the car for a few minutes and checked the weather radar on our phones and another 15 minutes later the rain dissipated.  Lucky for us, there were literally only a handful of other people there.  According to the workers, we beat all the crowds!  Wahoo.  Just what we were hoping.

After checking out their cute little store and eating a half dozen apple cider donuts we proceeded to the orchard to start picking!

We must have picked for over and hour and honest to God we didn't see a soul.  Not one person in the entire Orchard while we were there.  It was so nice to have a little slice of heaven all to ourselves!

Stuarts Farm.

Such a pretty view on the hilly orchard.

Picking the first apple.

Silly boy wanted to display his apple on his head.

Katie's turn to pick one!

She's got it!

Scoping out other varieties of apples.

Reaching high to get a particular apple.

Inspecting to ensure perfection!


Katie getting a hoist!

Since we had the entire place to ourselves, we raced...a lot!

Can you spot me in the tree?!

Mikey wanted to get in the tree after he saw me.

Katie attempted to climb too and ended up stuck in a small ditch.
It was wet and a bit colder than we were dressed for but had a great time and came home with dozens and dozens of apples!  Time to start baking. :)

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