Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fall Decor

I've started to decorate very minimally for fall, you know the usual, candles, some pumpkins, Halloween decor and tried my hand to be a little crafty.

This is what I ended up with.  Various size vases filled with acorns.

To make these I had basically 2 options:
Option 1- Purchase fake acorns from Pottery Barn for $15 for 54 acorns or;
Option 2- Take the kids on a hike in beautiful CT during fall while exploring falling leaves, trees and go on a scavenger hunt picking up acorns also while getting some fresh air and exercise for the kids and some cross training for myself.  Bringing the acorns home to soak, wash, polish, roast in the oven, dry and polish again and hot glue the tops back on the acorns.  Turning the previously said steps into a few days of fun activities for the kids and ultimately using the acorns in a decorative way.  Oh and did I mention it cost me $0 for roughly 300 acorns.

Yeah, I'd take Option 2 any day and every day over Option 1.

Now when I see these vases I think of all the fun the kids and I had.  It's the small touches that make a house a home.

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