Saturday, September 13, 2014

Sport classes begin!

September has been a busy month and before I know it it will be over.  The kids are busy every day of the week M-F.  They have school and Friday's is reserved for sports.

We signed up Katie for ballet class.  She makes one sweet, pretty ballerina.  She loves to dance and sing and we knew she would love dance classes and she does!  She even wears her tutu I made her for her first birthday.  She attends at New Canaan Dance Academy and will have a recital in June of next year.

Michael was not as easy to convince to do a sport.  Last Fall we tried soccer for him at Chelsea Pier's in Stamford and Scott took him to 2 classes and he clung to Scott's leg and cried the entire time.  We were not going to pay $50/class for him to stand there and cry so we took him out and decided to give him a year to grow before trying something else.  We talked about doing another sport with him off and on over that year and tried to figure out what would interest him and couldn't come up with anything until he heard that his best friend does karate.

We borrowed books from the library on karate and read them a few times and I mentioned to Mikey that he will be starting karate soon and the response was the same..."NO!"  "I don't want to do anything.  I want to do nothing!"  And then miraculously one day after reading the karate book he said "You know what Mom, I changed my mind.  I do want to do karate!"  I replied "Good, because you go tomorrow!" And he did and it was good and fun and you would never had known it was his first karate class.  He's been a few times now and is one class away from earning his first belt....a white belt.  He's very excited and does his karate moves all over the house all the time.

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