Sunday, October 26, 2014

Miscellaneous photos

A few photos taken during Sept. and October for you to enjoy.

Katie and I out to dinner at Tequila Mockingbird in New Canaan.  Mikey expects a bowl of tortilla chips to be brought out at every restaurant we go to now.

I made the Nom Nom Paleo Cracklin Chicken recipe and Katie gave it 2 thumbs up.  It really was delicious!

Mikey was helping me bake until he realized at this exact moment that it was Banana Bread.  He hates banana bread.

In the dressing room at dance.

Katie trying on her Halloween costume.  We had a dance party!

I was sick and so Katie suggested juice may make me feel better.  She takes good care of me!

Such a beautiful day.

This picture taken right by Mikey's karate class.  Such a pretty vista.

Mikey put these together by himself and wanted me to take a picture.

I've been to the doctors 3 times within the past 2 weeks and there are Ebola signs and precautions everywhere!

The kids painted the pumpkins and I did the glitter ones at MOPS.

Katie's friend Sophia invited her to the bring a friend to ballet class.

Again he wanted a picture of the two puppies playing together.

She fell asleep after ballet and I really had a lot of grocery shopping to do that had to wait because she wouldn't wake up!

A yummy recipe I came across!

I am downloading my families favorite songs to my playlist so I can think of them while I am running.

Scott and Mikey had a boys day at Plasko Farm and went through a corn maze and on a hay ride while I stayed home with the sick Katie bug.

Last week of running!  Only 2 more runs to go before race day!

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