Monday, October 27, 2014

Preparing for surgery

Katie is having surgery to get her tonsils removed on Nov. 4th.  For the last few weeks we have been preparing for that, with blood work and a visit to the hospital to take the Teddy Bear Tour.

Katie did great with her blood work.  It's amazing watching kids experience something for the first time. Since they don't have any previous experience to compare too or a memory to pull from they are just completely in wonder about what is going to happen with no preconceived notion. She sat very still and made a few whimper sounds like a little kitty would do but no tears and before we knew it it was over!

We also took the Teddy Bear Tour at the hospital where the surgery will be performed.  We went into every room we will be in between pre and post surgery as well as putting on the scrubs to check out the actual operating room.  The entire surgery should take 1 hour and they say she will be in recovery for 3 hours before allowed to go home.  We pray everything goes smoothly and we have one of the best doctors in the country, literally he's won many awards, so we are confident that everything will be okay.  Recovery should take 1 solid week of laying low for her and really not feeling well and then an additional week with less precautions before we get the green light.

They got many compliments in their scrubs.  I however looked like a giant marshmallow.  :)

I'm wishing I scheduled this for a little later in the year.  We have a birthday party, my race and her surgery all happening in 6 days. about stressed out!

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