Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mikey's 4th Birthday!!

Today we celebrated Mikey's 4th birthday.  We decided this year to have just a very small affith our immediate and intimate family (aka: the 4 of us).  Next year will be a big 5th birthday.  He still desperately wants to be 5 but is happy being 4.

He loved opening up presents and was really excited to see what was inside of them.  He also for the second year in a row wanted to play with what was on his cake instead of eat it.

I got a great idea from a friend who asked her kids generic questions on their birthday.  It will be fun to see how the answers change from year to year.

What is your favorite color? Blue
What is your favorite TV show? Transformers
What is your favorite book?  Richard Scarry's Trucks book.
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A fireman
Who is your best friend?  Daddy
What is your favorite toy? Chase-a Rescue Bot
What is your favorite food? Spaghetti

At 4 Mikey:

  • Is still a picky eater
  • Is always on the go, doesn't like to sit still
  • Loves his sister and is playing more and more with her
  • Wants to be outside all the time
  • Does not nap 5 out of 7 days
  • Loves chocolate milk
  • Loves rough housing and playing with Daddy
  • Chooses to play with trucks, cars and Legos more than any other toys
  • Is fully potty trained
  • Is extremely stubborn
  • Loves to go to the grocery store

We love you and can't believe how big you are getting.  You are so full of energy from your fast entry into this world it has been a whirlwind ever since. We are so looking forward to what you will become in the future and are enjoying the ride you take us on everyday.

Mikey's Transformers Birthday Cake.

His Birthday wall filled with cards from family and friends.

A hand painted Transformer Emblem that Mikey and I did while Katie napped.
It's not perfect, but that's what I love about it.

A sticker card made for Mikey by Katie.

Happy 4th Birthday Mikey.

He can't take his eyes off his cake.  Literally.

He looks so happy in this photo.

Here he really wants Daddy to wash off Blade so he can start playing with it.

Katie said "I LOVE Cake!" right before I snapped this photo.

The monkey and me.

Time to open presents.

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