Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Katie's Halloween Party at School

Today the parent's were invited to partake in Katie's Halloween Party at school.  The girls were allowed to wear their costumes, but the 2 year old's were just happy to attend the party as themselves, or with a tutu on.

We watched and listened to them sing songs for us, enjoy a snack, create a craft, read a few books and play outside.  We feel so fortunate to have such a loving school for the kids to go to with real, genuine, loving and warm families to bond with.

Lots of these signs around our home.

Such a great idea at school.  The left over pumpkins from the Fall Pot luck were used in the class rooms.  Kids had fun hammering in golf ball tee's.  Mikey's teacher said he did this for 15 minutes.

Chaos at circle time.

Time to go wash hands before snack and craft.

More golf ball tee pumpkins in Katie's class room.

Craft with pumpkins.  Katie's method consisted of sticking as many stickers on her pumpkins as quickly as she could.

Showing off her pumpkin.

So proud of her.

Snack and story time with Miss Kristin and Miss Kimberly.

Opening the flaps in the book.
 The next couple of pictures were of the mom's trying to get a class picture of the girls.  It was hilarious.  I have even more photos as I was trying to get the perfect picture.  I think I may have 2 good ones out of the whole bunch.

Katie's silly face, sticking out her tongue.

I think this was one of the best of the bunch.

Another one that had most of the kids smiling.

Love those 2 year olds!

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