Thursday, October 3, 2013

Katie's 1st official haircut

Mikey has school on Thursday, Katie does not.  Still trying to explain to her that only Mikey goes to school on Thursday's and so far every Thursday she has a complete meltdown at school because she wants to go to her classroom.  I noticed that her hair was starting to look a little un-kept even when I did it so it was off to the hairdressers for her first official haircut.  She had her hair cut 2 other times, right before Christmas last year that was literally 2 or 3 snips in the very back and then by me this spring when I accidentally cut off a little more than I wanted, so she has been long over due for some professional hair help!

I wasn't lured by the over priced kiddy place to get your hair cut in Norwalk, so her and I went to a simple hair cutting chain for some beautification.  She looked like she was about to cry for a minute but held it together and happily watched Dora on my phone while the hair cutter did her thing.

After getting her hair cut I asked her what she wanted to do next and she said "Go shoppin!"  So we hit up Lord and Taylor for some shopping and I ended up with some goodies for my vacation and Katie picked out a dress for herself.  We are both still fighting over this hot pink silk shirt that I got for my trip but Katie was the one who found it so she thinks it's hers.  Scott got a laugh over the whole situation and says "No, it's to soon for her to be a shop-a-holic!"

Crazy hair!

Not sure what to think.

On the verge of crying but holding it together.

Getting the hang of it!

Much better!

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