Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hershey Fun Run!

The night of the expo Hershey was holding a kids fun run for kids aged 2 to 13.  The distances they ran increased with age.  So the 2-3 year olds ran 30 yards and the 13 year olds ran 300 yards.  It was a lot of fun and held right in Hershey Park Stadium where I played my fair share of soccer games and watched lots of high school football games.  It was fun to share an experience with the kids there!

While waiting for the races to begin.  The little kids went first, I couldn't contain Katie's excitement.  She wanted to take off and begin running immediately.  She had on her 7 sizes to big shirt and her race bib and fast sneakers too!  I did sign up both kids for the race but Katie was the only one interested.  Mikey didn't want to do it at all.  He sat in the stroller the entire time and hung out with Jamie and Bryan while I was with Katie at the start line.

So after waiting 5 minutes, Katie lost interest and by the time it was her turn to race she didn't feel like running anymore.  She was near the back of the pack and ran a few steps before walking the rest of the 30 yards.  It was so cute to see all the kids run.

We stayed for a few heats and got a kick out of each group of young kids that ran.  They all did the same really fast, and when they got to the tape at the finish line they would all slow down until finally someone would run through the tape.  They were afraid of it and didn't know what to I run through, do I stop, do I touch it, do I not touch it.  A small group of us had a good laugh about it.

We didn't stay too long after Katie's heat because I had to get back and make some pasta for dinner.

Waiting for the stadium to open.  So excited!

At the start line!

Waiting for the start with all the other 2-3 year olds.

She's having a good time!

She took her time.  The pink bottome shoes are her.  See all the green shirts ahead of her.  So cute!

She received a medal and a pack of twizzlers.

Checking out her "jewelry" and eating a twizzler. She is so proud of her medal.

So proud of her at her first race ever!  Way to go Katie!

Love her!

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