Thursday, October 10, 2013

Halloween Party

It rained today so our Halloween Party that we were invited to was cancelled, however since we live right down the road we were still invited to come over and decorate Halloween cookies.

Alicia helping the kids decorate cookies!

Katie picked a cat to decorate.  The cheese knives were the perfect size.

Yum, yum, yum.  Mikey picked a batman shape to decorate and then immediately eat.

Evelyn and Katie watching Mikey run down the hill.

Run down the hill.  Jump into the leaves.  Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

A huge pile of leaves just begging to be jumped in. "Cannonball!"

Feeding the chickens.

We found eggs!

So excited to hold fresh eggs.

Evelyn found it hilarious to watch Mikey go down the slide....

.....and immediately roll on the ground.

Alicia and Evelyn!

They loved getting carted around in the wagon.  

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