Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I usually create a post on the website when we do something, but we do have plenty of down time where we just hang out, act silly and goofy.  I take pictures of these moments too but usually don't post them.
Here's some random shots of us being....well, us.

My little book worm.  She was playing peek-a-boo with her books.  When she's playing by herself, I usually find her flipping through books.

This is what she does when I say "show me Arnold."  See her muscles?  Yea, me neither.

Always curious about the camera.

I literally ran downstairs to get the mail and come back to this.  He loves when she falls asleep on him.

Tada!  Mikey said that while showing me his latest masterpiece.  Scribbling all over the new toy from Nana and Papa.

See how pretty it is!

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