Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July trip to PA

We took yet another trip to PA.  The kids were spending a few days with my cousin and sister while Scott and I flew out to Colorado to attend a friends wedding.  We played with my barbies, saw Great Grandma Jirik, took a drive around in the red car, and even watched the tractors comb, cut, bale hay, (then a few days later) stack the hay before they drove back to the farm, and they even went to Hershey Park with my sister (pics. of that to come later).  It was a very busy few days for the kids. 

Mikey still talks about the tractors he saw while at Nana and Papa's home.  He gets really animated and excited while talking about them.

Barbies take over.

He took his eyes off the tractors for me to snap this pic.  He did say Cheese!

He just couldn't take his eyes off the tractors for this pic.

The baler.

Lots of pointing and talking going on while watching.

Driving the car around. He kept talking about going into the attic to get this down.

So busy.  Lots of places to go!

Mikey loved driving and Katie was so patient going along with whatever.

GG, Katie and Nana.

GG, Katie and Jess

Katie was so relaxed.

She finally had some time in the car by herself.

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