Thursday, July 5, 2012

Katie at 11 months!

Only one more month to go before out pretty princess turns 1! 
She still has 2 teeth but today had 2 more teeth just barely pop through with two more teeth promising to make an appearance sometime this month.  She has been doing really well teething and hasn't been showing much pain.
She has been sleeping well at night time.  Bed time is 7 and she'll wake up at 5 for a feeding and be up for the day at 6.
She loves crawling all over the apartment and is so fast!
In two weeks she went from crawling to pulling herself up onto everything.
She eats everything that we eat.
She loves to play peek-a-boo.
She gives everyone smiles and still loves the camera.
She knows what she wants and what she wants is basically everything that Mikey has.  She'll just scream until you give her what she wants.
She is a spitfire and is small and scrappy.

She loves to swing.

Still trying to get her to keep her hats on.

Love that smile!

love this pic.

She's been standing a lot.

Working on her balance.

11 month pics.

She was kinda bored at this point.

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