Saturday, July 14, 2012

Carousel in Central Park

We love to kick off our weekend with a leisurely stroll through Central Park.  This Saturday morning we decided to check out the carousel in Central Park.  Katie was asleep so only Mike and I rode on it.  His face was lit up the entire time.  I love seeing pure joy from him.  We finished up our walk at Heckscher Park and a walk past The Plaza.

Mikey and I on the carousel.

Me and my boy.

For part of the ride he sat on the horse by himself.  Such a big boy.

Pure joy.

Taking it all in.

He was looking around the entire time.

Watching the carousel go around again with Daddy.

Still happy to just watch.
View of Essex House from the playground. We were fascinated by the crane on the top.

A new playground to run around in.

This place had a great water feature.

Fast friends near the water.

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