We decided to meet up with some friends and go to the Summer Series Storytime in Central Park. We left an entire hour early (since I didn't feel like running and getting all sweaty) and walked from our home all the was down to 67th street and 5th avenue to get to the playground where they were telling stories. Of course, my kids just wanted to play in the sandbox, run around the park and go down the slide. They weren't the least bit interested in sitting to listen to someone tell a story. Anyway,
I'm noticing more and more that my kids never want to sit still, they are extremely curious, needing to check everything out, have a very short attention span. They never want to just sit on a blanket and play. They like to keep me on my toes, chasing them. According to this book I'm currently reading on how to raise the happiest toddler on the block, I have what are called "spirited kids." About 1 in 10 are spirited kids. Oh joy!
Anyway, it was nice to meet up with our friends, Ashley and her kids, Andrew and Ryan and Mary and her son Quinn.
After playing a bit at the park, we decided to climb some rocks (a first for Mikey) and kick around some balls. I love these relaxing afternoons just being outside with friends and having playmates for Mikey and Katie.
Playing on the blanket. Notice the only way I got Mikey to stay on the blanket was to give him a lollipop. |
A huge slide in Central Park. Next time we'll bring cardboard to go even faster. |
So happy to run around.