Sunday, September 29, 2013

Papa Visits

My Dad came up for a quick visit Sunday - Wednesday.  He received a lot of love from Katie and Mikey.  We had busy days filled with showing Papa where the kids go to school, farm animals, lunches in nature, making great dinners, napping and going for walks.  Thanks Dad for watching the kids while I ran some errands and for taking Bailey back.  It was very chaotic in our home the last 2 months having Bailey back, so my Dad and Mom offered to take her back for a bit. Thanks!

The next few pictures show Mikey petting this goat pretty heavily.  I think they both enjoyed it.  The goat seemed to be in a trance and Mikey was in his own little world.  Mikey affectionately named him Carl.

Katie much preferred the sheep.

I am loving fall and the bring colors of the leaves.

Taking a hike on the walking trail through the woods.

It was just us and nature.  I like that they can run ahead and explore.

Such a nice brother.

Almost had the playground all to ourselves today.

They wouldn't let me sit and swing.  I had to push!

Mikey found what he calls a "Crying Mantis"

Papa found the best spot in the house for a nap.

So blessed to enjoy this gorgeous view while eating lunch.

More exploring with Papa, this time even farther into the woods.

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