Thursday, September 5, 2013

Cove Island Beach with Friends

After only 1 day of school the kids had off for rosh hashanah, so we spent the day with friends of our's from Denver/Manhattan who now live in CT at the beach.  It was a little cloudy and a little sunny at times with mild temperatures, not a whole lot of people on the beach, warm water and a very laid back, chill atmosphere.  It was a rejuvenating day for me and the kids.  And I know we all had a great time.  So much fun Katie, Jacob and Carly.  Glad to have you so close to us.

Cloudy with a chance of fun.

Katie and I spent some time burying all the kids.

Mikey just loved Jacob's bucket that had a spout.

At the end of the day I asked the kids what their favorite part was; Katie said "Jacob" and Mikey said "Jacob's bucket."

Turning into a Mikey mermaid.

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