Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First day of school!!!!!

Wow - The kids first day of school could not have gone any better.  Our morning was filled with lots of excitement and giggles from the kids.  I was the nervous one, mostly because Katie has never been away from me in a group setting before.  She's a momma's girl.  The kids talked about going to school and how they are going to have fun and play outside and have snacks and read books and sing songs.

One we got there, we dropped of Mikey first.  We washed his hands, went to the bathroom, hung up his backpack and lunch box (he doesn't eat lunch there yet, that starts in Oct. but he still wanted to take a snack in his lunch box) and he gave me a hug and walked right into his class room.  Didn't look back.

Katie's class starts 15 minutes later.  I was expecting a little hesitation on her part but again, walked in excited to begin and didn't look back.  She too left me high and dry.  What?  Don't they need me anymore?!  They are growing up so fast.  But to be honest, I'd much rather have drop off go just as it did instead of having them clutch my leg, screaming not wanting to go.

I was told the second day is a little harder because the kids now know what to expect and they were right.  Mikey was sad for one minute before perking up and since then drop off has been easy breezy for the last 3 weeks.  Mikey has 11 kids in his class with a good mix of boys and girls.  He talks about his friends all the time. Beckett, Samuel, Elliot, Parker and Miss Kathy I hear about often.  Miss Janet is super outgoing and has high energy to keep up with all the kids.  I see the 4's class give her high 5's often.  Clearly, they all loved her from the year before.

Katie's class consists of 5 cute and super sweet girls.  Yup, an all girls class.  They are all adorable and on the first day we got invited to our first school birthday party.  Katie's has two teachers, which is an amazing student-teacher ratio and one of her teachers Miss Kristin reminds me of my late Grandma Cichy.  She is a very sweet, older women who just loves to envelop the kids into her plush frame.  Katie loves her.

We told Daddy all about their first day.  It was fun to watch the kids talk over the phone and hear the excitment in their voices.  Scott was in Phoenix and LA this week.  Sad he had to miss their first day.  (For privacy reasons I photo shopped some info.)

Acting all silly.  Got some great shots.

Clearly he's had enough pictures.

However he did oblige me and pose with his lunch boxes and back pack.

And we are off!

See how excited and happy she is.  That's my girl!

We found Katie's cubby.

The 2's class identify their cubby by their picture.

Mikey found his name and cubby.

She ran right in to play tea party with one of the teachers.

Katie's first day board.  She told me all about Spot.

She survived a first successful day at school.

She is even happier for day 2!  Just love her to bits.

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