Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blogs I'm into.

You can go to my profile to see the blogs that I follow.  Some are friends blogs and some are just really popular blogs on the internet.....but, I wanted to mention two other blogs that I follow that you won't see on that list (not sure why they aren't on the list.)  These two blogs are great when you need a little pick me up, or some perspective.  They are written by two incredible ladies whom also happen to be my friends.

It's a good mix of everything, God, country, giving, being selfless, forgiving of yourself and others.  She is a friend from way back in junior high and it's amazing to read about how she grew her family and the struggles she deals with.  I find that I have a little more patience after reading her blog.

Interesting about meeting Tracy.  I became friends with her while we were living in NYC through a mutual friend.  She moved to Darien, CT almost a year ago and since we have lived here, I've run into her twice.  She also has a growing family and I don't know where she finds the time to write on her award winning blog.  She has an different writing style that really makes you reflect on the little things.  

So if you have some time to kill these are two good reads.

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