Friday, April 26, 2013

Playgrounds and Pics.

The weather has finally warmed up a bit to the point where we can venture to playgrounds for extended periods of time without fear of getting frostbit. Here are just a few more pics. of us playing at playgrounds.  (The story of our lives.)

Below is Mikey at John Jay Park.  It was pretty surprising to me to see him climb on this equipment like a monkey.  He was all over it.  Six months ago he would just stand on the lowest rope and now he's like Spider Man.  (That's what he calls himself when he plays on it.)

Below are a few shots of the kids playing on the playground at 92nd street.  I'm sort of embarrassed to admit that this was the first time we have played at this playground even though it's 2 blocks away.  There was no one there and it's clean and Katie can climb around safely and independently.  A win win win in my book.

Swinging on the bar.

A picture Mikey took of Katie.

Here I am getting taken advantage of while I put some money away. That's my ice cream!

Hair now long enough for pig tails.  Random Pic.

Over looking the East River on an overcast morning.

Flowers in bloom! Finally!

Love Carl Schurz.  So much room for them to run.

Wee. Whizzing around like a pro. Luckily we always have a toy in our stroller to make trades with!
 Snack time on the jungle gym equipment.

A little unsure of the camel.  She knew what it was. Seriously, where does she pick up these words?

Mikey had no problem climbing/abusing the camel.
Wait, when did he learn how to do this all by himself?

Blooms in Carl Schurz.  

They are on an apple kick for their morning snack.

He loves this swing.  I do too! 

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