Monday, April 8, 2013

Rock, Smocks and Animals

A few weeks ago, Katie really showed an interest in going to school when we dropped Mikey off for school so I signed her up to try out a Rock, Smocks and Animals class they have their for the younger crowd.  It includes, music time, craft time and time with the animals.  It was a special class with a theme surrounding their baby chicks they get every year around Easter time.  So we got to touch, hold, cuddle and play with their 2 week old baby chicks and our craft was making a little baby chick.  So fun to do a Mommy and me class with her.

I need to do more classes with her.  She is still such a mommy's girl and is very shy around new/other people.

Ready for class.

Sitting like such a big girl for class to start.

Old MacDonald song with puppets.

She found a chick.

Real baby chicks.  The kids were so curious.

Still has thumb in mouth.

Katie's turn to hold.

Not sure what to think.

Ok~ I think she's done.

She didn't mind taking a closer look when I held it.

Love spending some one on one time with her.

Craft time.

She did a great job, making the chick with minimal help from me.

Looking for Nemo.

She got up close in the bunny cage.

Petting the chinchnlla.

She's a sucker for turtles.
 It was a real treat for me to watch Mikey in his class.  When Katie and I were downstairs looking at animals, I got to watch Mikey participate in his class for a solid 15 minutes without him knowing I was downstairs.  It was so nice to see how he interacts and plays with others, and get a glimpse of how he acts when I'm not around.  Happy to report he was himself.  Such a sweet boy.  I was able to snap the pic of his class below as they lined up to wash their hands before snack time.

Katie's baby chick.  I like how she places the eyes so it looks like the chick is looking  up.

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