Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Asphalt Green, our new backyard

I forgot how much fun it was to just let the kids play in a large open space and watch how they interact and use their imaginations.  I took them to Asphalt Green for the afternoon with some soccer balls and let them pretty much do whatever they wanted.

We had the soccer field almost to ourselves, except for a few other small groups.  Mikey just loved to run around...he is a very active, energetic little boy.  We played lots of tag! Katie really loves balls.  She is actually pretty good at kicking soccer balls back and forth with you and running and kicking at the same time.

I have to take them here more often.  Large open space to easily see them and watch them tire themselves out.

Taken from far away.  I like that I didn't have to be right by their side.

Running on the lines.

Chasing me!

Playing together.

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