Sunday, March 1, 2015

Maritime Aquarium

We took the kids out to brunch and across the street to the Aquarium today.  We have been so sick of the weather and feeling cooped up in the house and needed to get out and do something we knew the kids would enjoy.  They really enjoy looking at all the different animals and handling certain animals. We got to see the seal show this time and the kids asked the trainers lots of questions after.  I can't wait to take them to the Baltimore Aquarium.

Crispy Chicken skin as an appetizer.  Everyone gobbled these up except me.  Gluten and I don't get along very well these days.  

Oh these two turkeys crack me up.

Eggs benedict over lobster cakes for me.  They were yummy but severely lacking salt!

Up close and persona with the nurse sharks.

They love to touch the stingrays.  Daddy did too!

Photo by the lizards.

The very rare black dragon with a pretty blue tongue!

Gopher hole. 

I would have bet $1 million dollars that Mikey would pick the octopus and Katie the star fish.

Super colorful but extremely poisonous frogs.

At the touching exhibit.  Here he's touching a horseshoe crab.  

Big sharks!!!!

They are so pretty to watch swim.


The jellies!

Trying to count how many there are.

Such a cute little turtle.

The huge leatherback.

The seal show!

It was snowing while we were at the aquarium.  What else is new.  After looking at sealife all morning we decided to stop at Stew's and buy some yummy seafood for dinner.  Is that wrong?  The kids even had some ice cream, yes even though it was freezing outside.  

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