Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Junior Chef Cooking Classes

Have you heard of the wildly successful cooking show called Master Chef Junior?  Well Michael LOVES that show.  So we have signed up Michael for some Junior Chef cooking classes on Saturday mornings at the local Williams Sonoma store in Stamford.  They hold free classes for everyone but the ones tailored for kids ages 5-11 are on Saturday's.  He has been loving going to them and the teacher is really great and interactive. 

He's made baked chicken fingers and a mayo/herb based dipping sauce.  He declared them the best chicken fingers ever. He has also done sandwiches, Easter cupcake and decorating class, different kinds of deviled eggs, breakfast bunnies, and Lunchbox lunches.

Coming up is homemade drinks and baking bundt cakes.  This has made him much more active in the kitchen and anytime I am in there whipping up something or stirring something he wants to help.  I find that if he helps prepare something he's much more likely to try it and eat it.

The first class took him 10 minutes to warm up.

On our way to the 1st class!

First thing is first....washing hands.

Following instructions.

Coating the chicken in flour and panko.

It's a messy job!

Flipping them over.

Getting ready to taste!

Thumbs up!

Cupcake making class.

Measuring and spooning.

His turn to do it.

A beautiful table set to decorate cupcakes.

Deciding what to put on it.

His creation.

He liked it but not enough to finish it.  He's just not a sweets person.

Katie got to tag along to this class.

Taking turns.

She was so excited to take the cooking class too!  Normally they don't let 3 year old in but they made an exception for her.

Delicious looking.  It smelled good too.

Happy with her creation.

She did however eat the whole thing.

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