Saturday, March 28, 2015

New Canaan Easter Egg Hunt

We took the kids to the annual New Canaan Easter Egg Hunt today.  Once again for the second year in a row it was held inside.  We had learned from last year that it is a very crowded event.  Our son doesn't really do so well with large crowds in an enclosed space that is very noisy, so we showed up just a few minutes before the actual egg hunt began.  It was just enough time for the kids to run through a few bounces houses before collecting Easter eggs.

This year they had many more eggs that had money to the New Canaan toy store in them.  I think the total amount collected in toy store money was $10 from both kids.

They had a great time in the short amount of time we were there.

The huge set up of baked goods they had.  Lots of sugar and processed junk.  We stayed away this year!

Tons of eggs to collect made this one excited girl!

Goggling all the eggs.

And they are off.  She was one of the first to run in towards the middle.

Collecting more and more.  She was very methodical in which colors she wanted.

We needed to give him the slightest push since there was so much commotion.

She's still busy!

Now, he's off but still cautious. pick them up or not....

.....I guess I'll pick them up!

There they both go!

Now he's filling up his bag!

She's way over there with a smile on her face!

Posing with Daddy and their loot.

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