(I'm documenting this as a reminder to myself to never do this again....or to sign up for another one immediately. I haven't decided which yet.)
In the corrals before the start....
"I'm getting excited! This is amazing. Did I eat enough carbs? I feel like a stuffed sausage. I wonder if it's possible to explode from eating too many carbs. Did I eat too many? Can you eat too many? Take a GU gel pack. Now wash it down with water. Okay, I'm as carb loaded as I'm going to get. Wow, that bridge looks awfully far from here and that's just where the start line is. Okay, don't think about the distance. I wonder how we are going to get there. I did just go pee but feel like I have to go again. Okay, the line is moving. Hum....should I wait in this line to go pee or the next line? Well there are 8 people in this line and 6 in the other line. Okay, switch lines. Oops, we are walking again. Oh, someone just came out of that port-a-pottie. Quick, get in. Phew. Much better. Now, I'm ready! There are a lot of policemen here.
In the corral. Doesn't that bridge look far? |
At the start.....
Excited! Wow, this wind just really picked up. Look at all the clothes people took off. Should I take off mine now or after the bridge? Devon, should we take off our sweatpants now? That way we don't have to stop running? It's pretty windy and that bridge is 2 miles long. Okay, quick take them off. Should I put in my ear phones now or after we start? When do we start? Should I put on my satellite tracking on my phone? I don't want to drain my battery. Maybe I should just use my watch to keep track of our time then I can do math to figure out our pace. That would help the time go by. BANG BANG BANG....Wow, those cannons just made me jump. This is us, we are running. Across the start line...yes, Frank Sinatra I hear you singing New York, New York,.....just like you do every year at the start. Holy crap, I'm here, I'm doing this. This is amazing!
Tons of people in our wave. |
Devon and a thumbs up! She's ready! |
I'm about to start! |
The start!! |
Mile 1-3.....
Holy smokes, is it windy. WOW, look at all these runners from all over the world. The variety of colors is so pretty. Jeeze, don't get blown off the bridge. How is is possible this wind just pushed us 4 feet to the right? Hum...this is fun. We are running in a marathon!!! No wonder, they say you don't notice the biggest hill in the marathon, it's right here and I don't even notice an incline. This is awesome!!! Woooh. That person over there just got thrashed with a huge aluminum blanket. Hope they can see. Okay, good it's getting blown away. Hope I don't get hit with one of those. Don't trip over those pants! This person in front of me is from Brazil, oh and there is another one from Norway, and Spain! Crazy. I thought it was a pain for me to get to the Expo and even here to the start and I only live in Stamford. Why, would you do this from another country?! That must have been expensive. There are lots more clothes on the ground here, should I take something off? Nope, still windy. Let's keep the hat on a little longer. Okay, take the hat off now! I am roasting. Hum....yep, sweatshirt is coming off. Feeling great. I spot a spectator! I wonder where the huge crowds of spectators will be? Do they start out as a trickle and get more crowded? How you feel Devon? How far have we been running? 3 miles already?! That's the shortest and fastest 3 miles I've ever ran. If only every 5K could feel this fast. I could run forever.
Running across this bridge was amazing.....the views spectacular! |
Mile 4 -6....
This is amazing. What a great race. There's live music, tons of people cheering. So much fun! I'm having the best time. Ohh, someone just said "Go Jess!" That's me. Hi, I will wave to you too. Thanks for cheering for me! Wow, that felt great! I'm so glad I put my name on my shirt! We are on 4th ave. in Brooklyn....this is pretty. I need to look around more...stop staring at the ground. Yes, I need water and gatorade. Look at that mountain of cups. That is a lot of cups! What a waste. Those poor cups only had liquid in them for less than 30 seconds. Oh hey, you have a Team Challenge shirt on. Wait up! Hi, what's your name?! I'm running with Team Challenge too! Oh, I'm with the NY section. You're Vegas. Very cool. Have a great run, nice meeting you. Hum, where are you Dean St.? Jamie and Amanda are there at mile 8. Is it mile 8 yet? Hey, that Lady Cop over there has a huge stick. I bet she could beat the heck out of someone with that. Could she do that? Does she have that in her? Okay, have to go to the bathroom again. Ugh, I hate runners stomach. Here's the port-a-potties, but that line is 10 minutes long at least. I can hold it. Maybe the next set won't have as many people in line. Huh....that's weird. My quads are a little warm....tingling. Just keep running. Forget about it. What a funny sign..."Just keep swimming?!" Why the heck would they write that. We are running after all. Oh, I get it! Hey lady, way back there, thanks for taking my mind off of running for 30 seconds. Yes, little girl, I will give you high-five and you too and you too and yes, you all get high-fives! ALL OF YOU! This is the best day ever!!!! Thanks for cheering for us. "Go Jess! Go D-von!" It's pronounced Devin, not D-Von. How do you get D-von from Devon?! Anyway, okay more port-a-potties. Shoot, the line is still long...Ugh, how do you all have to go to the bathroom. I guess I have to wait in line to go too.
Mile 7-8....
Wow, there are so many signs and people waving and cheering and that live music is awesome. I haven't even been listening to my music, well I hear it in my ears but it's not registering. That sign says, Touch here for a Power Boost! Okay, yeah, more power, why not! Look at all those people having fun! I guess the up side of running in the last wave is that it gives people more time to drink. They are all hammered over there. That sign says "Thanks for giving me a reason to drink all day!" What a funny sign, You're welcome. Why do you want to drink anyway? It makes me feel like crap. Hum....oh that guy just got a picture with some firemen. Wow, look at that fire man posing on top of the fire truck. Hummm, that's a pretty good view! Are all fire men in Brooklyn so hunky looking? Yes, keep cheering for Devon and I. Why is that person walking already? We aren't even at mile 8. They must not have trained. We aren't even 1/3 of the way there. Wow, seriously we aren't even 1/3 of the way there?! Okay, don't think about that. This is awesome. I feel like a rock-star. Look at this women in front of us. This is her 3 marathon and she doesn't even look fit. How has she been able to do 2 before? If she can do it, I can do it. Oh, there is Dean Street. Mile 8 already. Where are you?? Okay, keep you're eyes peeled Devon. They should be around here somewhere. That person is handing out free tissues. What a great idea. Okay, remember that idea for when you are a spectator at a race. That's the best idea ever. There they are. Oh my god. Why am I bawling. Yes, here's a hug for you Amanda and you too Jamie. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. How did I manage to choke that out. Let's keep running. I don't care if I have tears streaming down my face. See you in Manhattan. Maybe I should stop smiling so much. I feel like I've been smiling the entire time. Can you expend energy by smiling? How am I able to breathe and smile at the same time?
Emotional me and smiling Devon in Brooklyn. |
Lets keep going! |
Mile 9-12.....
Okay, quads, why are you still tingling. We aren't even half way there. You aren't supposed to feel like this now. Wow, it's amazing the different neighborhoods in Brooklyn. A few blocks ago it was so lively and full of a young and energetic crowd and now, there is nobody. Well not nobody...there are a handful of Orthodox Jews. Why do they work on Sunday anyway? Look at that woman pushing her stroller as if it's an ordinary day. People are changing their lives in this race and she looks like she is going to the corner store. Why do they wear those outfits? They look so....scratchy. This wind. Yikes, okay try not to think about the wind. Just stay on the side of the street where it is sunny. I'm so hot and sweaty. Am I sweating too much. Feeling dizzy. Okay, don't be silly. This is when you always feel like you are going to overheat. Oh, what if I do? What if I am so dizzy I fall down? Will I get trampled on or would they stop and help me? Will they let me still run? Another mile and you're body will regulate and then you'll be fine and glad you have this extra layer on. Just keep running. What's that smell Devon? That guys eating potato chips? How do you run and eat potato chips out of a bag at the same time? How? Ugh, I'm not even hungry. We have to take another gel pack in 1 mile? Didn't we just eat one. Oh, I feel nauseous. Keep it together. You can do this. Jeeze. How much longer are we in Brooklyn for anyway? Will we know when we are in Queens? It's so cold. Why couldn't the weather be just a little bit nicer. Glad I have my long sleeves on now. See, I told you, you'd be glad you have that extra layer on. Hey Devon, if I'm holding you back you can go on! How is she so fast? Is my pace slow or is she just running faster? Finally, that is a huge sign. Welcome to Greenpoint. I guess that's how we know when we are in Queens. Oh, I have to go pee again. There is only 2 people in line. Finally, we don't have to wait long this time.
Mile 13-15.....
Why is it so dusty here? Where are we? I'm feeling a little tired now. Lets take a quick inventory. Okay quads getting sore and my feet hurt. Why do my feet hurt? I have super cushy shoes on. Stop hurting feet. Just keep smiling. Wait, should I stop smiling and waving to everyone who calls my name and what about all those high-fives I've given. I wonder how many germs I have on my hands now. Just don't put your hands near your mouth or nose or eyes. Ugh, my nose itches! Crap. Finally. Here's mile 13. Wow, feels like we've been running a while now. How long have we been running? Ugh, I don't even know...my watch stopped after 37 seconds. It must have been because of my long sleeves. Could they have pushed the wrong button my my watch? Another hill on a bridge. This must be bridge 2. What bridge is this? It can't be Queensboro bridge yet. That's at mile 15. Where is that 13.1 mile sign? How long is .1 miles anyway? I should know. Exactly how long have you been running and you don't know what .1 miles looks like? Wow, look at that view. Everyone is stopping to take a picture. Should we take a pictures?! Yes, yes we should. Let's just enjoy the race. I don't care about the time. Why is everyone walking up this incline? I want to walk. Can I walk? No, just keep running. We are doing good. I just want to get to Manhattan. How much longer until we are there? Okay, just keep going. You have a long way to run. Matt and Mom are on 67th street and Dad, Scott and the kids are on 125th, that's pretty far. If you stop to walk that will just mean that you don't get to them until later and it's cold and windy and the kids are probably freezing and you don't want them to wait any longer than you have to so just keep running! Yikes, how am I going to run that far? Even after I see Mom and Matt I have another 55 plus blocks to run, that's over 2.5 miles. You can't let your family see you walk. After 5 months of training and the first time they see you during a race and you're walking.. No absoultely not. No walking. Keep going. Here's the bridge. Finally, we are at mile 15. Hum...should I take out my earphones now? I really want to hear the wall of cheering they say you hear on the bridge. I haven't really been listening to music anyway. Why are you all walking? Can't you all move over to the side so we don't have to weave our way through you. Hey, look that Norwegian is running with a Go Pro camera on his head. Wow, that's one way to share the race with everyone. Is he taking a picture with that thing?! Hey Devon, I think you just photo bombed that guys picture. Jeeze, this is a steep and long bridge. Eventually we have to run down hill, right? I mean this bridge can't all be uphill. I don't think they could make it stand up if it was built like that. Okay, finally, running down hill. I really want to walk but not downhill. That would be ridiculous to walk downhill. Why does this downhill have to be here.
Devon on the Pulaski Bridge as we enter Queens. |
I'm having the time of my life. What a great view of Manhattan from the Pulaski Bridge. |
Mile 16-18....
There are the port-a-potties Carrie told me about under the bridge. Yes, here are those Manhattan crowds everyone has been talking about. Awesome. This is awesome. This is so much fun!!!! I could totally run this distance without training for 5 months. Did I need to train for 5 months? Were all those long runs necessary? Devon- Here's your Mom and Aunt! Yes, lets hug it out. You're daughter is awesome! Hey everyone, it feels so good to finally be in Manhattan. Okay, only 7 more blocks until you see your Mom and brother. Devon- I love the crowds in front of the pubs. Wow, lots of clever signs. "Run like Ryan Gosling is at the finish." "Why do all the cute ones run away?" "Jesus loves you." "I'm so proud of you stranger." "Worst parade ever!" More high fives! Why are you all still here? It's freezing and there is no sun. You are crazy to stand in the shade for this long. But thank you, thank you for cheering for us. Ugh....seriously, I want to stop. Where are my Mom and brother? How am I going to run all the way to 125th?! Why couldn't Scott and the kids and my Dad take the subway down to say 70th street? Is it 70th street yet? No, I've only gone 4 blocks? Ahhhhhh.....there's my mom and brother! Yes! I'm doing it. Oh jeeze, here come the water works. I'm doing it Mom! I'm doing it! I'm proud of you too! Okay, see you guys later. Okay, who am I going to see next?! Jen and her kids are at 96th and then Team Challenge is at 96th too. Okay, you got this. There's some of the KPMG Mom's going crazy! Thanks so much for braving the weather to scream your heads off for me! This is my old stomping grounds. Wow, can't believe I'm running past all these stores in the NYC marathon that I was walking past 2 years ago. Here's the ghetto music blaring and little kids right in front of the speakers. Where am I again? Oh, 116th street. Makes sense. Another water station. Please don't shove gatorade in my face. No gatorade. I'm going to throw up, just thinking about it. Why am I so nauseous? Can I run the rest of the race with just water and my GU packs? I hope I can. Why is the road so sticky? Oh, it's from all the gatorade. Maybe others are like me and it just makes them sick so they throw it out all over the road or maybe take a small sip instead of drink the entire thing before getting rid of it. Okay, lower back. I feel you. Since when did you start aching? Maybe if I hold my stomach in it will stop my lower back from hurting. Oh, I need to start lifting weights and get my abs back. Damn carbs, you stole my abs! It got cold again and the wind is right in my face, time to put on the headband warmer again. Jeeze, this wind is ridiculous. Stop clenching your hands closed. But my fingers are cold. Should I put on my gloves. No, then they would be too hot. Here's the medical tent. Can I just stop in there and take a nap? Would they let me do that? Why are they handing out vaseline on a popsicle stick?
Seriously got emotional again seeing my mom and brother. |
We still have lots to travel so let's go! |
Mile 19 - 20......
Okay, so here's the south west corner of 125th and 1st. Where is my family? I can't see them? Maybe they moved into the sun. I hope I see them. Hey, there they are! Oh man do they look cold. Hey girl tapping my shoulder, get outta the way, I finally see my family. Wait, what? There is family behind me? No, they are right in front of me. I think I know who my family is. How do you know my family? Hey guys, I love you! I'm doing it! We haven't stopped running! Oh, hey Mom and Matt and Amanda and Jamie. You guys just got here in time. Oh that's why that girl was tapping my shoulder. You ran to bet me here. Take the kids home. Wait, get a picture first. Hold Katie? okay, huh, and Mikey too?! Okay, I can do this. I'm super woman. Okay, now I'm starting to get tired. Here grab the kids. If I bend over, I might not be able to get back upright. See you guys at home. Wow, that was fun. Why didn't the kids say anything? Were they too cold? Okay, so I did it. I ran to 125th street. Almost 20 miles. Can I stop now? The part that sucks is coming up. The upper Bronx with lots of turns and 2 bridges and almost no crowds. How am I suppossed to keep running? How long have we been running now? Okay, just 6 more miles. I can run 6 miles. It's only another hour of running. God, how I hate running. Ugh. Wow, where did all these Chinese people come from banging big drums? Wasn't expecting to see that. Yes, woman with gold teeth, we are kicking these 5 boroughs in the teeth. Okay, remind me not to do this again. I'm ready to stop running. It's not fun anymore.
Jamie and Amanda and Mom and Matt snapped this of me running to my family on the corner. They were running to see me there. |
Holding Katie! Such a cutie! |
Someone handed me Mikey too! I am superwoman! |
Okay, maybe not. I'm getting tired now! |
Those kiddos looked so cold! |
Trying to stay warm while they wait to see us! |
Mile 21-23....
Devon - can we stop running yet? How are you feeling? What do I want to do after running? I want to take a nap. What are you going to treat yourself too? Well I am getting a massage tomorrow. I also think I might buy a pair of Uggs. I've wanted a pair forever. I wish I was wearing them right now. I bet they feel like I'm walking on a cloud or fluffy marshmallows. But every time I try them on I don't like them as much as I thought I would. Maybe a pair of Frye boots instead. What about you? Hey, can we stop yet? Look at this guy's shirt. 26 marathons and counting and he is almost completely hunched over. How do you do that? Why would you want to do that?! Thank you for cheering for us. Who hands out free M&M's? I wouldn't put my hand in that bag. This girl up here is wearing her military camo pants. Jeeze. How do you wear those and run? She must be hot and chaffed! Wait, am I chaffing anywhere?! Quick assessment. Nope. Not even where I got a rug burn on my ankle for going down the slide at Mikey's birthday party. I shouldn't have done that. Good, no chaffing. I'm happy I wore what I did. Ooooooh, look at that woman. She has a full length fur coat on. I wish I was wearing that right now. She looks so cozy. Stop cheering for us. If you weren't there I would walk, but I obviously can't stop and walk in front of you when you are cheering for me. Devon, are we even moving? I feel like we aren't moving. How can we be running and not moving. Ugh, this sucks. Where the hel* is 90th street? Why aren't we in Central Park yet? Devon, I can't do this. I mean I'm going to finish but I don't think I can keep running. What? This is the part that we run with our heart? Huh, are we at that point already?! What does that even mean... run with your heart? You need your legs to run, not your heart. God, she's right. Why did she have to say that. I can't stop now. After running for 23 miles, what am I going to say? I've ran the entire thing but the last 5k? No, that would be silly and ridiculous to have to say that. Just keep running. I am so proud of myself for running. All these other people can say they too have run a marathon but can they say that they ran the entire thing? Nope, not that person, or that person or that person. But I can...so far. How much farther do we have to go? God, I want to be that person and walk. Can I walk yet? If you start to walk it'll just take you that much longer to finish. Oh, how I wish it was over. Is it over? Will it ever be over? Here's another mile marker with a timing tracker. Pick up your foot Jess. Don't trip over the tracker, you won't be able to get up again. Pick up your damn foot!!! Ah. this is awful.
Mile 24-25.....
This sucks. Why did I do this again? Why did I want to do this again? What's wrong with me for wanting to run in a marathon. Never again. Remember how you feel right now and don't ever forget. If you knew you'd feel like this you would never do it. It's just as bad as child birth only it lasts much longer. I'd rather have a kid with no epidural than be running right now. Okay, before it was my quads and then my feet and my lower back and now it's my toes, feet, ankles, calves, hamstrings, quads, lower back and hips. What is wrong with my fu*king hips?! I mean seriously, they were designed to propel you forward, in a walking motion. I'm doing exactly what they were designed for and yet they still hurt. Stop hurting! Can I stop yet?! Why are all you people still watching us run? It's getting dark and cold. God, this hill. I was thinking about this hill, the last hill during the course earlier and here it is. Everyone is walking up it. Can I walk up it too? No, you can't there is only 1.5 miles to go. If you were going to stop and walk you should have done that long ago, you can't do it now. I would stop if you spectators weren't here! Is it possible for your toe nails to all pop off at the same time. All my toe nails are going to pop off any second. I feel them loosening up. Cool it Jess. You're fine. No, I'm not fine. I mean before we even started running and I had 2 questionable toe nails and now they are all just going to sh*t. At least I won't have to get a pedicure for a long long time. My lower back....feels like it's going to split in half. It feels like my worst period ever. You can't run with your back in 2 pieces. Maybe this is what it feels like right before you break your back. How do people break their backs? Can I stop for one second to stretch out my hamstrings? No, you just want an excuse to stop. No, if you stop you won't start again. Each time you walk through a water station it hurts even more to start running again. Can I stop running yet? Look at all these people who have stopped running. What is wrong with my feet? Why can't I control my feet? My left foot keeps hitting my right ankle. My ankles are already on fire so why do you keep kicking your ankle? It's not like I'm doing it on purpose. Why can't I control my body?! I'm going to die. That's it. This is kind of comical, everything hurting at once. It's like a symphony of hurting body parts. Okay, body, SHUT UP! Another water station? This must be the last one. Let's keep going. Seriously why is the ground so sticky. I'm having a hard enough time as it is to put one foot in front of the other that I don't need to feel like I have tape on the bottom of my shoes too. Bring it on sticky ground. I'm still not going to stop. Huh, I'm doing this. I'm not stopping. Never stopping. Body, you can ache all you want, but I'm not stopping. I can do this. I am doing this.
Mile 26....
That's weird. Everything hurt just a second ago and now it's all numb. Everything is numb. Can I control my body with it feeling this numb. God, only 1 mile to go. This is amazing. Why are all you spectators still here? I can think of a million better things to do than watch humans act like zombies the last mile of the marathon. If you weren't here I'd totally walk. It's true, the crowds do carry you through the marathon. This is amazing! Mind over matter now. No matter what I'm going to finish AND run the entire NYC Marathon. I'm running with my heart. First my body and then my mind and now my heart. I get it, I totally get that saying now. I'm doing it. It's amazing what the body is capable of. Where is that finish line? Can't see it yet. Yikes, this is a long stretch. Did they measure this last mile right inside the park? Where is that marathon finish line? This mile seems to be taking forever. I see it. Ugh, it's so far away. Devon, wait up! I'm coming. Still behind you. There's your family. Hey guys! Good to see you. Glad I could catch up to Devon. We are doing this. Wow, look at those stands. They are so empty! Haha. I wish we would have fudged our finish time, then we would have started earlier and been done by now. This is so great! The line is getting closer. I can't believe it's almost over. Wow, we did it! I did it. I can't believe all this training I've done over the last 5 months and it was all for this and we did it! It's over. Can I crawl up in the fetal position yet? I just want to lay down and never move.
![]() |
Crossing the finish line and still smiling. |
Okay, now I'm crying. How are you still smiling Devon?! |
We walked a few steps and medals were placed around our necks. |
So appreciative that I got to experience this with my best friend. Memories to last a lifetime. |
Posing for a professional photo. |
Immediately after....
I want to die. I am so tired. My poor feet. I can barely move. Thank you for my medal. It feel so heavy around my neck. Let's stop for a picture. Okay, why do we have to walk so far. I just want to stop and lay down. Where is our recovery bags? I've been looking forward to getting them. Okay, still nauseous, so can't eat anything in them anyway. How much farther do we have to walk. I'm exhausted and still need to drive home. Ugh. Hey Matt, we finished. Meet me at the car. I can't walk down to 62. Where do we get those ponchos? Did they only have a limited number and are out of them? I bet they are so warm and cozy. I want a poncho! Yes, I'll take a poncho. Thank you so much for wrapping me in it like a baby and for putting my hood up. I'd do it myself if I could move my arms. Are you going to kiss my forehead too? This poncho feels like heaven. Jamie, remind me never to do that again. I'm serious. Never again. Okay, fine take a picture to remind me never to do that again.
The picture Jamie took of me on some steps on 75th and Columbus so I will remember to never do this again. |
Since I was nauseous all evening long after the run, this is what I had for breakfast. A Levain Bakery cookie that was so delicious especially since I enjoyed it without the side of guilt. Yum! |
The next morning....
That wasn't so bad.
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