Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Mikey's 5 year checkup

We had Michael's 5th year check up today.

He was a great patient, except for the part when he had to get 3 shots.  Ouch.  He was pretty upset about that for a good 30 mins. even after he got the shots.  It's so funny, to see just how different he is from Katie sometimes.  He wanted to keep his band aids on for 3 plus days afterward, where as Katie doesn't want any band aids at any time!  Mikey definitely wanted to show his "battle scars" aka: "where he got his shots" to his friends at school.

He was measured in at 40 3/4 inches tall (11%) and 35 lbs. (10%).  Since he only gained 1.5 lbs in the past year we have to fatten him up a bit.  Typically kids gain between 2 and 5 lbs. a year and since he gained a little under 2 we have to go back to see the doctor in 4 months.  So we have our work cut out for us!  He grew 2 3/4 inches in the past year.

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