Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Katie's 3 year checkup

We had Katie's 3 year checkup today with our new doctor. She did great and did not have to get any shots.  She was so excited and yelled "HOORAY!" when the doctor said "No shots this time!"

29 lbs (30%) and 35 3/4 inches (19%)

Katie loves to do crafts, especially draw and cut with scissors.
She loves to eat pancakes or waffles and do all the mixing herself.
She is my best helper when it comes to baking.
She is such a dare devil and doesn't realize she is only 3.  She tries and usually succeeds at doing everything her brother can do.
She is very sure of what she wants and is passionate about expressing stance on certain things but most of the time she is very easy going.
She is fully potty trained.
She loves to sing and is usually humming or singing a song throughout the day.
She loves broccoli.
She still sucks her thumb and touches her belly with her opposite hand.
She has moved away from Bubble Guppies and now likes Dora and Wild Kratts.
She insists on doing lots of things by herself. Comb her hair, brush her teeth, get dressed.
She is still a momma's girl and loves giving hugs and kisses and snuggles to mommy.

At 3 if we had to describe Katie in one word it would be precocious.

Just a few questions we asked her this year on her birthday:
She wants to be a doctor.
Her best friend is Mikey.
Her favorite food is strawberries.
Her favorite color is pink and purple.
Her favorite show is Dora.
Her favorite song is anything Katy Perry.

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