Tuesday, June 3, 2014

They said What?!

The kids have been so funny and some of the things they say is hilarious:

Mommy: Katie did you hit Mikey?
Katie:  No, I punched him!

Katie:  Just a few more couple minutes.
She says this whenever she wants to stay up later or play with her toys more.

From her teacher.  While planting a plant at school the teacher said you have to tuck the plant into the dirt and press the dirt gently around it.  Katie said while tucking in her plant: Nite nite plant.

Mikey when he saw me in my dress for the wedding: Wow Mom.  You look perfect! Beautiful!

Mikey when I hopped in the shower with him with a shower cap on: Is that so you don't ruin your pretty hair?!

Mikey when I say yes to him or give him what he wants: You're the best Mom ever!!!!!!!!! (Followed by a hug and a kiss!)

Mommy:  Katie, you're not my little baby anymore.  You're such a big girl!
Katie:No I'm not.  I'm just a little big kid!

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