Saturday, June 14, 2014

New Canaan 1 mile run

After spending a day in Brooklyn, Katie was super tired and had a 4 1/2 hour nap.  While she was napping at home, Scott did some work and I took Mikey to another kids run in New Canaan.  The kids run was 1/3 mile and Mikey did great finishing in around 4 minutes and 30 seconds.

He received a medal and pizza /water after! Great Job Mikey!

At the New Balance store in New Canaan. Ready to go.

We waited around while they got set up and two other groups ran before the kids.... we stretched our calves out....

.....and played around.

Professional men's group.  The winner ran a mile in 4:47.

Kids group all lined up.

Mikey is in the far right corner ready to go!  The blew the horn, Mikey jumped (startled by the blow horn) and than ran!

Great Job buddy!


So proud this little guy is coming out of his shell.  He told me he wants to run in more races and get more medals!

Pizza and some muscle flexing action!

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