Monday, December 16, 2013

Keebler - Week 2

Another week has passed since Keebler was dropped off at our home by Santa.  He is so clever.  The kids still love running down the stairs to find him.

Dec. 10th - Day 8 zip lining across the living room and toy room.

Dec. 11th - Day 9 riding on the rooster.

Dec. 12th - Day 10-A sick day for Keebler.

Dec. 13th - Day 11 - Keebler hung out with the Russian nesting dolls.

Dec. 14th - Day 12 - Bushy eye brows and a beard drawn on Mikey. Naughty Keebler.

And a hat drawn on Katie.

Dec. 15h - Day 13 - Keebler wanted to snuggle with Baby Jesus.

Dec. 16th - Day 14 - Keebler wanted to read....

....about farm animals!

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