Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day 2013

Merry Christmas!  Santa came last night and the kids were so excited to start opening presents right away.  We were luckily able to get them to eat some breakfast before we started in on the gift opening.  It also gave my brother Matt and sister Jamie and her family some extra time to get over to my mom and dad's place.  Weeks prior I sent Devon home with all our Christmas presents wrapped and ready to be the magic of Santa arriving was still very real for the kids.

The kids got way to many presents as usual but were thankful for everything.  We played all day long and had a very yummy Christmas Day dinner too.  It was warm and casual and low key.  Just as I remembered it being growing up.  Only a few more days until our cruise!

Christmas Morning - Mikey, Katie, Bryan and Joey

Princess Lego's for Katie.

Sums up our morning.  Hectic, frenzied, filled with love and presents and special moments.

Love his smile and silly faces.

Lots of princess.  Katie impressed Aunt Erica by knowing all their names.

Playing with her Peppa Pig House set.

Presents everywhere and GG napping :)

This is pretty much how these two spent the entire day.

Snuggles with Mommy.  I'll take them any time.

Dusty Crophopper with remote control was a hit.

All the guys watching Star Trek?! Maybe.

Loves for Bailey.

Bailey getting attacked.  She had just licked Mikey.

Ice Cream in a cone with Papa for a late night treat.

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