Friday, April 26, 2013

Playgrounds and Pics.

The weather has finally warmed up a bit to the point where we can venture to playgrounds for extended periods of time without fear of getting frostbit. Here are just a few more pics. of us playing at playgrounds.  (The story of our lives.)

Below is Mikey at John Jay Park.  It was pretty surprising to me to see him climb on this equipment like a monkey.  He was all over it.  Six months ago he would just stand on the lowest rope and now he's like Spider Man.  (That's what he calls himself when he plays on it.)

Below are a few shots of the kids playing on the playground at 92nd street.  I'm sort of embarrassed to admit that this was the first time we have played at this playground even though it's 2 blocks away.  There was no one there and it's clean and Katie can climb around safely and independently.  A win win win in my book.

Swinging on the bar.

A picture Mikey took of Katie.

Here I am getting taken advantage of while I put some money away. That's my ice cream!

Hair now long enough for pig tails.  Random Pic.

Over looking the East River on an overcast morning.

Flowers in bloom! Finally!

Love Carl Schurz.  So much room for them to run.

Wee. Whizzing around like a pro. Luckily we always have a toy in our stroller to make trades with!
 Snack time on the jungle gym equipment.

A little unsure of the camel.  She knew what it was. Seriously, where does she pick up these words?

Mikey had no problem climbing/abusing the camel.
Wait, when did he learn how to do this all by himself?

Blooms in Carl Schurz.  

They are on an apple kick for their morning snack.

He loves this swing.  I do too! 

Surgery Day.

Today was surgery day for Mikey.   We had to be at Mount Sinai at 6:30am since he had the first surgery of the day at 8am.  A quick little snip snip under his tongue (a frenectomy) and 15 mins. later he was in the recovery room.  He cried the entire hour we were in the recovery room, he really didn't understand why his entire arm was bandaged up (to keep him from pulling out his IV that was feeding him tylenol), so that was the second hardest part of our morning.  The nurses were great and gave him a "super hero" mask to play with before the surgery so that when they put him under with the mask he wouldn't freak out.

I dressed head to toe in scrubs and took Mikey into the operating room.  Because of his age, it was considered a minor surgery since they had to put him under.  Watching him go to sleep was incredibly hard to watch and the doctor said all the parents get teary eyed during that part.  Luckily for him he doesn't remember a thing (the whole point in putting him to sleep) and he received lots of popsicles and ice cream.

Checking out the action.

Se benefited from Mikey's surgery.  At her age, you can't give Mikey something without giving one to Katie.

Our little guy, post surgery as soon as we got home.

Playing with some post surgery gifts, friends dropped off!  Thanks  Marie and Julie and Jen!!

Tada, more popsicles.

She didn't seem to mind post surgery Mikey ice cream one bit.

Passing the time.

In some cute tiger pj's.
Play before surgery.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

First movie in a theater!

Today was a gloomy, rainy day so I took the kids on a whim to the Lowes Orpheum movie theater.  The kids movie playing was The Croods.  While it wasn't exactly the most perfectly picked childs movie for them it was still a fun experience.  The dimmed lights, movie theater seats and of course I had to buy them the over priced popcorn for their first time at the theater.  They lasted all but the last 15 minutes.

Excited looking at everything at the concession stand.

Waiting for the movie to begin.

Empty theater on a Tuesday afternoon.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Scott's Birthday!!

We celebrated Scott's birthday with a dinner and some yummy cake with the kids.  Scott and I waited until the weekend to celebrate his birthday some more with a nice date night. (Any excuse to go out!)  We really like the East Village and went there again for some yummy tapas and paella at La Paella, then we enjoyed a nice brisk/cool walk around NYC followed by after dinner drinks to warm us up at Vbar.  Then we went to Puddin for the best homemade pudding ever and finished the evening by stumbling upon a cute little tea joint called Physical GraffiTea (named after the infamous buildings that were on the cover of a Led Zeppelin album called Physical Graffiti). I was so overwhelmed by all their teas I asked for the most popular and was given Matcha Tea.  It was pretty awesome! So I guess you could say we ate our way through the East Village.

It was so nice not having a plan other than where we went for dinner and seeing where we ended up.

Mikey and I sang "Happy Birthday" while Katie said "Happy Cake!" Mikey blew out a few candles.

Then Scott blew out what was left.
Happy Birthday Babe!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Baby Joey's Birthday!!!

We drove back to PA for Joey's very first birthday party!  There were tons of family and friends, great food, lots of things for the little ones to do and great weather for playing outside.  With Mikey being a little older now and having lots of family around, I was actually able to have conversations and enjoy the party and leisurely eat my lunch (while Katie napped for 2 hours. She made her late entrance, once she was good and ready to wake up from her nap).  It was such a nice day and way to spend a Sunday.

Happy Birthday Joey!!!
Katie and I.

Lots of balloons to play with!

Happy Birthday Joey! Can you tell he likes Mickey Mouse Clubhouse?!

It came with a little smash cake.  

Jamie and Danny.

Mikey and Jamie.  When we go to PA he wants to play with them all the time.  I'm old news.

Amanda, Katie and I.

Katie and Papa waiting for some cake.

The birthday boy.  He's almost as tall and weighs only 1.5 lbs. less than Katie.

Steve got him all nice and dirty.

She wasn't sure what to think.  I remember when Mikey looked like this.  He was a maniac on the bounce house this time.

She's had enough.

Getting outta there.  Mikey wanted to play with her.

This was how Mikey spent his afternoon.

I hopped in for some fun and I got tickled instead!

She tried again, and still didn't like.

So she was happy sitting and watching....

....and so was I.