Thanks to a few of my friends who recently posted their Instagram pictures on their blogs to share with all those who are not on Instagram reminded me to do the same! Yikes, I am a little embarrassed to admit that the last time I did this was in August! Um, so yes, there is lots of catching up to do by way of pictures. I enjoy doing these types of posts because you can see a lot of what we have been up to over the last (ummm, 6 months) without a lot of words.
On a side note, I really love taking pictures and Instagram is such a great portal for sharing them. Instagram really captures and gives you a glimpse inside our daily lives while I usually only post and blog about activities we do and outings we go on.
September 2012
Choc. Chip banana bread. |
Homemade chicken pot pie. |
We love knishes. |
A cute grandparents day craft we did that didn't make it to any grandparents. |
Mikey after his very first day of school. |
Great view of midtown Manhattan from the great lawn in central park. |
A snack of cucumbers on saltines. |
Lunch at Luke's lobster shack. |
The kids love this drink. They call it Wheatgrass juice. |
A treat for Mommy. |
Sleeping at the playground. |
She loves to kick around balls. |
And she loves loves loves balloons. |
October 2012.
A pumpkin smoothie. |
My best friend when it comes to dinners. |
A rainy day resulted in every toy being thrown in a big pile. |
Here we come Disney! |
Trying out our Maclaren Stroller before our trip. |
This girl took 3 naps in one day. Disney just took it out of her! |
A yummy fall treat from Eli's. |
We just love when they sleep. |
November 2012.
Scary man at the Halloween store! |
The last original tree standing at the World Trade Center. |
I hope they said yes. We saw this at our local playground. |
Katie just couldn't wait. She had to jump in with her clothes on. |
My sick little boy getting some fresh air. |
A personalized piece of art for Katie bug. |
He's a french fry kind of guy. |
We put this in everything. |
Mikey thought this was hilarious. |
So sweet, holding hands. |
Playing at the Art Farm. Once again, she loves balls! |
My little baking helper. |
We watched the garbage man hold up traffic for 20 minutes. Lots of honking! |
They both always lose their right socks. Maybe I put them on differently than the left? |
At a gymboree class with mommy. |
It's a good day in the neighborhood. |
Play time with the humidifier. |
December 2012.
My LL Bean flannel shirt got lots of use this winter. |
:) |
At the little gym. |
She ate all the chocolates from the Christmas Countdown Calendar when I turned my back for 2 minutes. |
Playing in the leaves and who knows what else in Central Park. |
A snowman cookie at Starbucks. She wouldn't loosen her grip so I could get a better pic. |
A new hiding spot! |
Pandora Radio is on almost daily in this household. |
Getting messy with shaving cream. |
Our first Christmas craft. |
Wild hair. She got it cut a week later! |
Katie's craft and Christmas gift to Daddy. |
Waiting for the subway after an outing with Mommy. |
I usually have this 3 times a week for lunch. Kale, quinoa, goat cheese, cranberries and walnuts with a little lemon juice. |
Sperry top-slider shoes are great for walking! |
Christmas Morning we woke up to this! |
Leaving NYC via Lincoln tunnel. |
Christmas shopping is tiring. |
My NYE dress from Rent the Runway. |
January 2013.
Race ya! |
Playing on the road I grew up on. |
Gorgeous view from my parents kitchen window. Never tire of it. |
Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral on Fifth Avenue. |
Night time at Rockerfeller Center. |
Brother and sister. The only way I could get them to pose this way was to give them a lollipop. |
I want my hat back! |
Februar 2013.
New running sneakers. |
Playing doctor with all the sick babies. |
So brave going down the slide head first on his back. |
The biggest rat I've seen thus far in NYC! |
Love her shirt! |
Playing in the bookcase Papa made. |
We enjoy waffles on the weekends! |
Date night at the symphony. |
Lazy rainy afternoon. Mikey sleeping under the blanket and Katie relaxing on the floor. |
She does this just about every time she colors. |
A bracelet Mikey made for Daddy at school. |
Sending a heart attack in the mail to Nana and Papa. |
Ash Wednesday. |
My laundry helper! |
A Valentine bracelet Mikey made for Mommy. |
Times Square from the Marriott Marquis. |
Enjoying the spring like weather in the middle of winter. |
Katie's first braid. |
Donut muffins from pinterest. |
March 2013.
Sleeping at the dinner table. He slept 13 straight hours. |
These dogs kept the kids from crying in the stroller on our walk back home. |
Pic. of the entire family at Joey's baptism party. |
Another gorgeous day to be in NYC. |
Katie lined up everything with a face and put it to bed. |
A new find at the grocery store. So far we like! |
Snowball fight! |
She put Barbie's crown on her head! |
Mikey after a playdate! |
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Just one of the 28 days in Feb. that I ran on the treadmill.
Feb. I deemed as Love me More month! |
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