Saturday, March 23, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt 2013

It was a cold but sunny day for the Carl Schurz Easter Egg Hunt this year.  It was ordered chaos and it is a pretty popular event.  Mikey was much more interested in his bubble making machine rather than picking up eggs.  I think all of the people there overwhelmed him a little bit.  This was Katie's first time participating in egg hunting!  She did great.   At first she started picking up eggs to put in her basket, but then it turned into  plopping herself on the ground and throwing in tan bark.  We enjoyed the sunny weather for a bit before heading back to the apartment to count our eggs and eat some candy.

Hundreds of eggs for the picking.

Waiting while they set up.

Gathering eggs with Daddy.

Eggs and tan bark.  Good job Katie!

She was happy to pick up whatever was in her reach.

Making bubbles.

Easter Bunny!

Daddy and Katie.

Chaotic looking in this picture.

He found a small camera in one of his eggs.

He got a few eggs before he wasn't interested anymore.

Bryan picked up lots of eggs.  Even special chocolate covered eggs.

Someone was loving this.

Lots of people to walk in front of and cut off which my kids seem to do all the time.

Big cousin Bryan taught him this.

He walked on this for as long as he could.

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