Saturday, March 9, 2013

Double Star Sighting

Hanging at Asphalt Green today I literally ran into Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz and their little son.  I was pushing Mikey on the swing (Scott and Katie were at home with Katie napping) and I noticed him first.  I thought....hey, I just saw him in Skyfall (the new James Bond movie) last night, it's Javier Bardem and then behind him I thought I noticed Penelope Cruz but wasn't sure.  They were waiting for the swing so after Mikey's turn was over we let them get on the swing we were using.  Javier said "Thank you."

Mikey was then playing in the sandbox for about 30 minutes and I called Scott to confirm that they were  a couple, which they are so it was definitely them!  I noticed they were back on the swings so I casually asked Mikey if he wanted to go on the swings again too and he said yes!  HA!  Using my kid as a pawn; I'm ashamed.

Anyway so I was pushing him on the swing some more for about 5 minutes when Penelope came over to me and asked me questions about the area and schools, parks, central park, etc. and said they were looking for a place to live in the city.  I can't believe I didn't trip over my words as the entire time I was talking to her in my head I was thinking "I'm talking to Penelope Cruz...over and over again!"

Okay, so you should know that I'm not start struck when I run into someone famous, even though I probably sound like it in this post.  I think they are just like normal people but I just couldn't believe on a random Saturday that I would run into not one but two A list stars.  For a housewife who lives a very normal life where most days are the same this was definitely something exciting that happened so that's why I'm giddy.

Okay, so you probably want to see pics.  I have a few but you can't really make out for certain that it's Javier and Penelope.  I definitely am not the type to go up and ask for a picture and I didn't want to be obvious so I tried to take some sneaky pics. when they weren't looking in my direction.  Of course the one head on shot I got of Javier, I later looked at it and noticed I had my finger over the lens.

Penelope Cruz is on the bench.

Here they are leaving the park.

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