Saturday, March 16, 2013

Happy St. Patty's Day!

It was a very cold and snow day on St. Patty's Day!  Since the forecast was looking pretty gloomy, Mikey and I went up to the St. Patty's Day parade by ourselves.  Scott worked pretty much all day from 8 am to 3 pm.  Katie was teething and had some large molars coming in so she had a bit of a fever and took a long nap.  The parade was very fun with lots to see and wasn't too crowded.  We watched near the end of the parade at 78th and 5th.

Later on in the evening, I went out with some girl friends for a nice girls night out and a great dinner. It's always so much fun catching up with everyone!  Sorry I didn't get any pics.

One of the many bands.

Mikey and I actually got or thought we got our picture with this guy but turns out the woman who took the picture didn't know how to work my camera.

NYC Police Band.

Love the kilts!

All bundled up!

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