Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day trip to Baltimore

We drove down to Baltimore today for our nephew's Baptism.  Scott and I are baby Joey's godparents which we are so thrilled about so of course we couldn't miss this special day in his life.  We hit the road at 6:45am and got to their place at 9:30am.

The baptism was nice and cozy and quiet with only 4 babies being baptized and after that it was time to party.  The kids had so much fun playing with all of baby Joey's toys and playing with his two dogs.  There was so much food and a big cake too!  Before you knew it we were back on the road at 4pm and home and in bed by 8.  :)

Baby Joey

Father and son look so much alike.

Joey's mom and dad and his Godparents (that's us!).

Libby and Jody.

A nice toy room right off the kitchen and dining room.  Would love to have a room like this!

Chowing down with the family.

Apparently Bryan wasn't too impressed with Mikey's music abilities.

Our cheese face.

Katie showing Nana her pretty bracelets from India.


Someone made a friend especially when that friend gives you M&Ms.

Yummy cake!

Me with Jamie, Danny and Katie.

Katie loved playing and petting Joey.  She's bigger than him in size but he weights just as much as she does.

Grandma and I.

Love this pic. of Katie.  She's a total goof ball.

Digging into his cake.

Cake time with Erica and Steve.

He liked it!

Just cannot give him enough kisses.

Mikey likes it!
Our trip home was nice and relaxing due to two very tired kiddos.

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