Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Little Gym

We have been taking the kids to gymnastics class on Saturday mornings now that the weather is chilly.  They really seem to love it and I especially like it because both kids can do the class together.  It's so fun to watch them in the class.  Katie is ready to jump right in and is the first or second person in the class to do whatever the teacher tells the kids to do next.  Mikey is more reserved and likes to watch first and assess the situation and then he'll eventually do it.  Here are some pics. of us having fun during one of the classes.

She has no fear.  Here she is climbing on the balance beam all by herself.

She waits for no one!

He is so proud he can walk across this all by himself.

Checking his balance.

Katie is the teachers litle helper.

Playing with balls.

She loves the class.

Mikey running all around and kicking balls with Daddy.

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