Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year, New do.

I made an appt on New Years Eve to get my hair cut....short.  Hair that I have been growing out since I had Katie.  Typically, every time I go in I ask for a "trim," "just clean up the bottom," kind of hair cut but this time I showed my hair stylist, Brittany, a very specific hair cut that was a little out of my comfort zone, meaning it was different from the same hair style since junior high. It was a long bob....shorter in the back that it was in the front. 

I left the salon 8 inches lighter. Yikes! Well that is what the hairdresser told me, but I don't feel like she took 8 inches off.  I didn't panic because she gave me exactly what I wanted and I honestly would not trust anyone else to cut my hair like that except for Brittany.  But anytime I get my hair cut shorter, I wish I had it longer and vice versa.  So hear's to a new year with a new do.

This was the only pic. I could find showing the back of my new hair do.  I was really trying to just get a pick of the back of my dress on New Years.  It was so pretty and had amazing lace details!

I do love the haircut by the way!  So much more versatile than having long hair!!!,

P.S. ~ Can I just say thank God for spell check.  I am a horrible speller!!

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