Saturday, December 15, 2012

KPMG DPP Christmas Party

Tonight we had a Christmas Party with all of Scott's co-workers and fellow KPMG Mom friends! Friends Beth and Shaun invited everyone over to their building on the UWS.  We had a pot-luck dinner, and a Christmas gift exchange for the kids.  They had crafts for the kids, extra baby sitters around to help watch the kids and an awesome kid room overflowing with toys. I'm still waiting for my kids to get older so I can have a proper conversation.  Everyone had a lot of fun, we also celebrated a birthday and the arrival of two KPMG babies due in the next 2 months! 

Scoping out the play room.

Love him.

I can never get a family pic. of all of us.  Mikey ran off!

Playing hide and seek with Maddie.

Probably about 1/3 of the group.

They loved the play room.  We will definitely be back.
Waiting to open his present.


Katie wanting to open hers too.

Mikey got this lion that you squeeze and it shoots out balls.

Katie got a baby doll perfect for the stroller.

She saw me doing yoga one day in the living room......

.....which resulted in her doing downward dog just about everywhere we go.

Craft time.

Mary and I.  The only mom pic. I was able to snag. It was crazy with all the kids there!

My best girl friend and I.

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