Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veterans Day

Scott was out of town this past weekend so we had lots of time on our hands to do whatever.  We spent part of the morning in Carl Schurz and on our walk home past the mansion we saw lots of service men/women and a fleet of humvees.  Sure enough, Mikey quickly made friends with lots of the men and sat in a few of the humvees.  I told him they were all the same but he had to see that for himself I guess and the guys were more than happy to show him around.  He was in awe...just sitting there looking around and listening to them.  Such a lucky boy.
If this was my car he would be pushing every single button.  I think he was a little overwhelmed.
Cool stuff to see all over the humvee.
About 9 humvees all lined up.
He was in heaven!

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