Thursday, November 15, 2012

I'm Free!!!

I have been waiting for a while to create this post and it's finally time!!  Wahoo.  After a little more than 15 months, Katie has decided she is done nursing! That in itself deserves it's own post!

For a week or two sometimes she wanted to nurse at night and sometimes she didn't and just when I thought we were done she'd fall off the wagon and want some of that extra comfort again!  But it's been a week and I don't think we are looking back! 

In replace of nursing she still loves to lift up my shirt and lay on my belly and suck her thumb.  She is a sucker for that skin to skin. :)  I have to admit I kinda love it when she does it.

I knew when she was born that I'd do my best to nurse her and she latched right on like a pro!  I decided that I'd let her nurse as long as she wanted and was hoping that she'd want to stop around 1 year.  What a huge commitment it's been on the family as she never took a bottle and refused to take a bottle when I had to be away from her.  (My folks had to feed her with an eye dropper when we were looking for apts. in NYC.)  She is so picky!

It's definitely been worth it as she is healthy, happy and to date has only gotten sick once, very recently. 

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